Friday, 13 June 2014

Site diagrams

The research of the site is continuing and in order to understand better the site analytic diagrams are helpful..

Thursday, 12 June 2014


A day for creating diagrams from the brief requirements.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Swiss Competiotion

Today we started working on a Swiss competition. My task was to research the site.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Monday, 9 June 2014

Second Submission


Today we had to submit the improved furniture suggestion for the flat. We changed the the chairs in the living room as the client wanted something more traditional. Also we included the  new option for the bedroom, the guest room and the kids room.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Painting the sky with planes


Sunday. It is time to relax and enjoy the famous Sardinian beach. But here another surprise was waiting thus making the experience more unforgettable. 

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Castle of San Michele


The date 7th of June is reserved in this diary for the Castle of San Michele in the same way as the memory of this experience is locked in my mind. The Castle is located on one of the highest hills surrounding Cagliari and the original construction was a single tower, built in the Byzantine era. Its main function was to defend the city in the Xth Century. Hundredth years after this, a small Romanesque church was added and later, during the Pisan domination, in XIII th Century two more towers were built. Looking at the timeline of its construction, the castle can be observed as a creation of many generations. Today the atmosphere together with our perception of the city is still being shaped by these ruins on the hill. This is an evidence of the collaboration between architecture and man and as Winston Churchill said: “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.”

Friday, 6 June 2014

Furniture Brochure

After I produced a brochure which will help the client to choose furniture, we decided that it will be good to create one for the company’s future projects. I extended it by choosing furniture which match the image of the company. It was a great fun to browse in the many websites and meanwhile to search if a 3d block is provided as we will need it for renders. Eventually I gained knowledge of what furniture is being offered in the Italian market today and improved my Italian language skills as some of the sites did not provide English interface. Here is the final brochure J

Thursday, 5 June 2014

First Submission


A draft of project had to be submitted at noon because of the different time zones between India and Italy. This means more work efficiency in fewer hours. After working hard and postponing the lunch break, eventually we managed to submit the project on time. Well done! After the break we had time to improve the work.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Indian Flavour


Today we were introduced to the brief. It is a project for a sample flat in India where the interior of it will be renovated. My part in the project includes research of Italian furniture and possible wallpapers with Indian motifs, drawing a plan which shows the new furniture on it and producing 3D renders of the refurbished interior of the house. Here is the original plan they sent us ...

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

The Work Desk


The placement starts today. Here is a photo of the working place I was given in the office. On the surface it is only a chair with a desk and computer, but underneath of it is hidden the invisible power of growth. These objects will enable a metamorphosis between intellectual and physical. A metamorphosis from the intellectual nature of the knowledge, I collected through the years, to its physical manifestation into the world. Or maybe I am just overly excited of the first day and became too poetic :)))

Monday, 2 June 2014

Arriving at Cagliari

First day in Cagliari, Sardinia. A lot of sunshine and excitement... It marks the beggining of one exciting journey, which will bring new knowledge and will expand the mind. Many unseen horizons soon will become part of one's lifetime memory. Many ancient building will be discovered by someone for the first time  in order to become her inspiration. Cagliari is a city with rich past and strong presence. And if you still believe that the time travel machine is still not invented, you just need to take a walk through the limestone buildings, which will take to a journey through the Roman Era, the Middle Ages, the Italian Reneissance and finally will give you the glimpse of  Art Deco designs.