Saturday, 7 June 2014

Castle of San Michele


The date 7th of June is reserved in this diary for the Castle of San Michele in the same way as the memory of this experience is locked in my mind. The Castle is located on one of the highest hills surrounding Cagliari and the original construction was a single tower, built in the Byzantine era. Its main function was to defend the city in the Xth Century. Hundredth years after this, a small Romanesque church was added and later, during the Pisan domination, in XIII th Century two more towers were built. Looking at the timeline of its construction, the castle can be observed as a creation of many generations. Today the atmosphere together with our perception of the city is still being shaped by these ruins on the hill. This is an evidence of the collaboration between architecture and man and as Winston Churchill said: “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.”

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